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Gentleness | Watermelon
The Tourmaline comes in various colors, including a pink and green variety known as the watermelon tourmaline. Despite its vibrant appearance, the watermelon fruit also has a delicate, refreshing flavour.
Gentleness encompasses tenderness, kindness, and benevolence. It involves treating others with compassion, understanding, and patience, even in challenging situations. A gentle person exudes a calming presence, avoiding harsh words or aggression. They possess self-awareness and embrace humility, finding humour even in themselves.
Jesus, our perfect example, embodied gentleness by riding a donkey as a humble king (Matthew 21:5). He extends His compassion as a gift to us through the Holy Spirit, and by embracing this, we receive the fruit of gentleness to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.
Gentleness | Watermelon
The Tourmaline comes in various colors, including a pink and green variety known as the watermelon tourmaline. Despite its vibrant appearance, the watermelon fruit also has a delicate, refreshing flavour.
Gentleness encompasses tenderness, kindness, and benevolence. It involves treating others with compassion, understanding, and patience, even in challenging situations. A gentle person exudes a calming presence, avoiding harsh words or aggression. They possess self-awareness and embrace humility, finding humour even in themselves.
Jesus, our perfect example, embodied gentleness by riding a donkey as a humble king (Matthew 21:5). He extends His compassion as a gift to us through the Holy Spirit, and by embracing this, we receive the fruit of gentleness to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us.